0270 – Anddddd the Universe turns the page!

As with life that has its chapters and transitions, it is time for this blog to undergo a transformation.

I mainly used this blog as a place where I can introspect out loud. I didn’t care much about the aesthetics of the site, making my blog into a text-heavy, difficult-to-read amalgamation of thoughts.

I am taking a class called the Rhetoric of Blogging right now and it is making me think about what blogging means to me.

The beauty—and challenge—of spiritual growth is that there is no right path. So blogging about spirituality is different than blogging about current events. I believe I offer a unique point of view, and I want to invite others to do the same.

So, the page has turned. It’s a new chapter at A Universe Within.

Audience will be the key. I hope to make this blog a more ready-friendly, succinct and thought-provoking blog. I will continue to blog about spirituality, my life experiences and current issues that spurred my train of thoughts.

Check back soon!