0259 – On Little Deaths And Small Miracles

Well well well. It’s been a long time since I’m here. I’d like to share an essay that I wrote on my spirituality and my journey through life. The title is ‘On Little Deaths And Small Miracles.’ This is because in life, the little deaths – the moments where we feel like our life is on the brink of failure and extreme dejection – are what makes us feel most alive and connected to our collective destiny as beings in this world.  Sometimes, these little deaths are miracles. But in life, we are blessed with numerous small miracles – things that caught us by surprise and wound up leaving indelible impact on our souls. It is the little deaths and small miracles that make us feel alive, and the moments where we feel alive are the moments that are worth fighting for.

So here is the essay: On Little Deaths And Small Miracles. Hope you enjoy it! I’d love to hear what you think about it too.

Happy 4th of July!