0145 – Crawling my way there.

I take longer than others to get to the finish line, but I’ll get there eventually. I just crawl my way into things. I really like to do things fast, but my brain processes more slowly than others’ brains. Gotta make do with what I have. If I take two days to figure out a solution while others take two minutes, so be it. However, it is really a dogfight sometimes; fight against myself, that is. I’m not gifted with a lots of patience, but I’m gifted with stress tolerance. It’s amazing the way each and everyone is built differently and all of us have to find a way to deal with our own issues. We learn from one another – that’s how we can all survive.

What do you do when you’re walking in a long hallway and you see a stranger walking towards you? Do you look down? Do you stare at the floor? Do you pretend to be using your phone? Or… do you smile or greet?

I look down. I pretend to use my handphone. or whatever that avoids any interaction. So most of the time my world is limited to myself. Occasionally I let my friends in. I’m feeling that maybe it would be nice to be smiled at or have strangers enter my world. Maybe we all can help each other out. I remember my friend saying that a stranger who gives her a little smile just makes her day.

Maybe we should start smiling at each other eh? Well, if you start to do that now, the stranger will either shoot you down or think that you’re weird.

Maybe… we should crawl our way there – the point where smiling at strangers is reflexive muscle memory.

Smile to the world, and the world smiles with you.


Funny I found this quote right after I write this entry:

"There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist." Mark Twain

This quote is gonna be my blog title now πŸ™‚ I need to absorb the quote, bit by bit. Maybe my life can be happier. I’ll start smiling πŸ™‚

11 thoughts on “0145 – Crawling my way there.

  1. nirasha June 26, 2007 / 10:21 am

    i should have taken geog instead of horrid chem.
    poor you. and you’re inability to dl hingis.
    HO atleast i have jhonny with me.

    • existentiallife June 26, 2007 / 11:12 am

      oh you do?
      Dreams. Get out of it. πŸ˜€
      Cranberries Saw Us.

    • existentiallife June 27, 2007 / 6:55 am

      I can’t seem to recall who beat Henin last year? hmmm amelie rings a bell πŸ™‚

      • Anonymous July 2, 2007 / 10:38 am

        hingis will lose!!
        if she hasnt yet..

      • existentiallife July 2, 2007 / 2:02 pm

        She lost alr -.-
        but who r u?!
        and what’s up with petepetepetetit -.-

  2. girlspell June 2, 2009 / 4:02 pm

    I smile. Always have. Don’t know why, but I do. Most of the time, the stranger walking by smiles back. Nope, no one has ever shot at me. The funny part is that by nature, I think I’m a born cynic. So much so, they played the Marshall Crenshaw song “My Cynical Girl” at my wedding. Go figure.
    Anyway, that’s a great quote, and Twain is my favorite.

    • existentiallife June 2, 2009 / 4:09 pm

      Twain’s really a witty and humorous writer isn’t he. and it’s good that you smile. i still don’t dare to do it in thailand. people are not that friendly here. and i might get killed if i anyhow smile at a gangster. lol.
      awww a cynical lady who smiles. i’m cynical too, but i let it take control of me. you seem to handle your cynicism really well. it’s good! i shall learn from you! πŸ™‚
      anyway, do u think u can PM me your address? will snail mail u a little something when i arrive in USA!

      • girlspell June 2, 2009 / 4:19 pm

        Just found out Maria’s score….Oh pooh!
        Will do with my address. πŸ™‚

      • existentiallife June 2, 2009 / 4:20 pm

        Yeah pooh indeed. this tournament sucks. all my favorites lost already 😦

  3. scentimental June 7, 2009 / 4:03 pm

    to quote something celeste wrote on her blog a while back (i fell in love with it)
    the optimist invented the aeroplane;
    the pessimist, the parachute
    so we need both in this world(:
    but try not to be so pessimistic all the time!

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